Howdy strangers! Just thought I'd let you know there's awesome stores out there where you can find my goodies and lots of other great stuff too! Plus you're shopping at non-corporate, women operated, local businesses that support artists, crafters, & independent designers, and I don't know about you, but I'd rather spend my loot at cool places like that!
Buy handmade & shop local!
Lova Revolutionary : Handmade + Art is now at these super fine retailers:
Wholly Craft!
Columbus, Oh
Baltimore, Md
Double Dutch Boutique
Baltimore, Md
Buy handmade & shop local!
Lova Revolutionary : Handmade + Art is now at these super fine retailers:
Wholly Craft!
Columbus, Oh
Baltimore, Md
Double Dutch Boutique
Baltimore, Md
Those are awesome! I'm not terribly far from Columbus, I'll keep that shop in mind.