Thursday, April 2, 2009

Animal Friendly Etsy : Vintage Renaissance

Had not seen these awesomely cute kitty beds until Today! My super sweet kitty - Sleepy Kitty would love one of these! Vintage Renaissance has a really neat collection of revamped vintage & vintage items at their storefront on Etsy! Also love the teapot lamp on their site, reminds me of Alice in Wonderland!

Every stylish, vintage loving kitty needs one of these:

Vintage Suitcase Kitty Beds are around $75.00 - find them at

Sleepy Kitty! Who currently has no bed (yes, I'm a bad furmom) and usually sleeps anywhere that's away from our obnxious lab Captain Nibbles. Here he is on my ironing board in my crafty office!


  1. Those are too cute!
    I wish I had a cat so I could get one

  2. Great item to feature! It creative, it's re-using items (which I love), and it's so cute!
