Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The calm before the holiday storm....

Related Posts Widget for Blogs by LinkWithinI can't wait for Thanksgiving & Xmas, I have to say I love the holiday season and can't wait for the pig outs & presents! Haven't gotten around to putting up Xmas decorations or the Tree but hopefully soon, maybe this weekend! I have managed to get about 70% of my holiday shopping done & mostly online! Do you do more holiday shopping online or in stores? Everyone says "Oh, I like the atmosphere & decorations, puts me in the holiday mood to shop the stores," personally there's something about that 20 person long line in an overly warm Kohl's that takes the cheer right out of it for me :D! I love online shopping!

Felt Acorn Embroidery Hoop
 Anyhow, I'll be baking it up tomorrow making Pumkpin Bread (Libby's) & Lemon Thyme Bread for Thanksgiving and working on Owl Iphone Cozies to fill the orders that are piling up! (Seriously, that many phone cozies?!) It's so difficult being a one woman show during the holidays, I need some little elves! My arm hurts, for real.

I wish I could get this Turkish Crafty Blogger over here to lend a helping hand! Here's her version of my owl iphone cozies! (And this isn't a diss for copying my work, I actually think its fun & flattering, and really who cares?). Makes me wonder if I shouldn't start selling patterns? I miss coming up with new designs all the time - have sooo many cute things in mind that I never have time for or I make prototypes and they never make it in the shop. Might be a good way for me to get my creative juices flowing again! 

Any thoughts out there? Would you be interested in patterns if I started making them? Would you prefer embroidery sheets (a page of fun & random designs) or full projects (softies, cozies, pins, etc.)?  I've been seriously considering it lately!


  1. Hi Jodie - just found your blog (saw you on the Etsy forums and followed you here) :-) I love your phone cozies - so very cute! I'm a gadget cozie freak anyway, but these are truly cute. Your latest secret admirer is me. :-)

    I'll throw my 2cents in - YES! Sell patterns...:-) Keep some - maybe your best sellers - back, but patterns are the way to go for 'residual' income. Good luck!!


  2. Thanks so much for your input & sweet compliments! I really appreciate it! I think I'm going to go for the patterns soon - hopefully starting in the new year!

    Thanks again! Happy Holidays!

