Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Horray! Goodies from

Related Posts Widget for Blogs by LinkWithinI was super excited to receive an email from one of the editors at recently! I won their Martha Stewart Handmade Valentine's Contest for submitting my Valentine's Owls! I'm not certain there will be any type of announcement on but I'm still stoked - it's just not every day you get an email or goodies direct from the people at Martha Stewart! 
Valentines Edition Owl Ornaments!
 Here's what I won: A neat pad of colorful paper & some paper punches! I'm looking forward to using the punches since I haven't tried any from the Martha Stewart Craft line. I always love all the Martha craft supplies - they always have such a perfect aesthetic and can be used with so many different styles of craft. 



  1. I would be absolutely stoked! I get a thrill just out of an Etsy sale - this would have me doing cartwheels (:

    Congrats on winning - its really no surprise that you did, though! Those owls are absolutely adorable.


  2. Amazing!

    But of course, those that know, know you are!

