I'm always reading in famous people's blog tips (famous as in mildly notable on Etsy/Craft Community People) that its totally uncool if you post about your cat or your curtains. No one cares about your Cat or your Curtains, its totally boring! There's people from Etsy that post pictures of themselves in their underwear on their blogs. Honestly, I'd rather see your cat then you in your underwear but maybe that's just me. Plus, let's face it - there's a lot of pervs on the internet. Yet since I'm an outlaw, I'm gonna post pictures of my Cat! Then in a few weeks when I'm finally caught up on orders & shop updates, I might even post about my craft room curtains, since well I know you all will appreciate them.
**Additional nonsense comments: Whats up with the vegan friendly Etsy sellers that create vegan animal friendly products, that sometimes even donate to animal groups....yet their shop info always says Animal Free Home!! I see this a lot. I mean honestly, with the multitude of awesome creatures getting euthanized everyday in animal shelters the least you could do is adopt one!
(For real, more of a joke, less of rant. We can poke fun at each other right? Snare, Cymbol Crash).