Check out a story about the awesomeness of Etsy featuring Lova Revolutionary's Vintage Owl Mini! Special Thanks to Indie Vegan + Vegan Alternative Perth find the story and more @ http://veganalternativeperth.com/?p=138!
Shopping online - the way to do it
Posted by charmedquark | July 5th, 2008
Wooden owl from Lova Revolutionary Why? Because it’s cheaper and there’s a much bigger range.
I’m not talking about buying from Amazon or online from large retail stores, I’m talking about going straight to the fledgling designers and buying direct.
There are massive online communities devoted to providing virtual floorspace to anyone who has something to sell. While this does mean that anyone can sell anything, there are many gems to be found amongst the mediocre and poor wares for sale.
Etsy is an example of this type of setup - a site where users can register a domain.etsy.com and set up a store where people can purchase their goods.
sugaNspice lovely brass pendant You’ll find that goods purchased online are much cheaper because sellers don’t have to factor in the cost of paying for real floorspace. Running an online store (esp. one that’s hosted by someone else) is much cheaper than setting up a real store.
You’re also pretty much guaranteed a unique purchase - especially if you’re buying from oversees.
I’ll share with you two of my own recent discoveries on etsy (somewhat grudgingly, as they only have one of most items in stock).
1. lovarevolutionary.etsy.com
LovaRevolutionary sells handmade items and items that she finds in her place of residence, Fredericksburg, VA. Lots of cute vintage/retro things from shoes, handbags and accessories to wall hangings and tea-cups.
2. SugaNspice.etsy.com (a Perth girl!)
(sale on right now, hurry in!) SugaNspice sells the most adorable necklaces - lovely, intricate brass pendants. The ideas there are fabulous, little envelopes with letters saying ‘I love you’ and lovehearts with love written in several different languages. Do have a look.

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